Category Archives: Episode 003

The innocent pleasures of binoculars

Another week, another adventure! Unfortunately, this week didn’t involve David Gandy (except for a few naughty photos blonder downloaded from Google), however there’s always something else worth telling you about… this week, it is a pair of binoculars. No, we are not joking: a pair of binoculars!!

It all happened on Tuesday night at the Battery Club, Canary Wharf. Very upset that we had to travel further than 10 minutes (Blonde: “What?? The event is not in Mayfair??! Looosers!!”), that it was raining, stormy and that we had already lost both of our umbrellas, we made our way down to Canary Wharf.

Our mood got much better when, upon arrival in CW, we passed the Virgin Gym right next to the Battery Club- the swimming pool and gym had huge glass windows with some nice arms on show!! However, after 5 minutes of staring we realised that this was not why we had travelled to Canary Wharf, and finally entered the Club. Even though this was not Mayfair, we were very impressed! The view was absolutely beautiful: third floor, next to the river with top-to-bottom windows, we could overlook the skyscrapers of Canary Wharf, the city, the big eye and even the Shard.

Friendly as always, we chatted to about two people before we found IT……. a pair of binoculars right be the huge window!! We couldn’t believe our luck. Within a few minutes, blonde and blonder had explored the various sights of London (Westminster, Tower Bridge, Shard), until we found something MUCH more exciting….

…The neighbours flat!!! HURRAY!!! With 3 big windows, we were sure to get some good sights. Binoculars ready, all sharp and set, glass of wine in our hand- this was better than any film!! one minute…..two minutes…..five minutes…nothing happened…

…and then we had to leave. I know, what an anti-climax, and we hadn’t even seen any neighbour action!!! Once more, we were very upset and left the party (Canary Wharf sucks after all), with the binocluars still in place for the next person (we hope you had some nice surprises!!). And decided that binoculars are cool, but binoculars in Mayfair would be even cooler.

Long live the blonde & blonder snobs!!